martes, 9 de febrero de 2010


Solidarity is a charity carried out by people to help others, especially poor children who are hungry and need a lot of things that we have. Therefore, large companies are formed as an ONG (Caritas, Manos Unidas), who organize events to raise food, clothes and money in every way possible, such as asking for help in schools for students to bring food, clothes, toys ... and as they say to "make our small contribution."

At our school, there was a torch that was taken from one town to another to express that we should be more supportive, as there is a large percentage of people living on the street. All these people are waiting for people like us to feel sorry for them and let them get a hand so that some day they can have decent living conditions.

Anna Carmona Blasco 3º B ESO
The Solidarity Torch

On 24th November, 2009, the students of 1º of ESO went to pick the Solidarity Torch to the church “Virgen del Pasico”. Once there, we collected one torch, symbol of solidarity, and some people explained us how we had to take the torch and what we had to do to the get to the school with it. In the small church, when we took the torch, we walked to the school, and when we got there, some people gave us a speech on solidarity. We must be supportive with the people who have less than us. The people, who gave us the speech, were of an ONG, volunteers of Caritas. They work helping the others without receiving anything in return. They showed us one film about the people who don’t have the same as us: they lived in slums; they were hungry, lived in the streets…. There are many organizations that help the people in need: Caritas, Manos Unidas…
There, they welcome the people; they give them food, etc. In the torch appeared a symbol that was four hearts that looked to the four sides (North, South, East and West). This means they help all the people in all places of the world.


Solidarity is one of the most important gifts of the human being. For me, solidarity consists of helping the poor people without receiving anything in return.
At present there exist many supportive people, and thanks to them there exist solidarity organizations, their principal occupation is helping people without economic recourses, providing them food, clothes, a place where to sleep…
But also, there are many ambitious people that only worry about themselves and about nobody else. Some solidarity organizations are: Caritas and United Hands. These organizations have got some symbols or objects that represent solidarity. A clear example of these symbols is the solidarity torch, which crosses towns and cities making us conscious of the lack of food, clothes… in the poorest people.

Inmaculada Ros Madrid, 3rd B ESO


Friendship for me is one of the most important things in your life, with family and other things. I can do lots of things with friends. There are better and worse friends. A friend does for you what is good, whenever he/she is a good friend.

He can help you if you have any problem, you share the best experiences in your life with him/her and you go to parties or stay outside.

You share your feelings with your friends, you do all with your friends, and the most important thing is that they would give anything to you.

A friend is someone special, someone to trust, and someone that you can support.

If you have friends, the life is easier.

Between friends and family you create a world and with them you do everything.
In general, a friend is someone who helps you in the saddest and the happiest moments. He/she helps you if you have to make a decision or if you have to choose something.

A friend is like your family.

David Santiago Pérez, 3rd B ESO
Writing about friendship

For my the friendship is to have the trust in a person to be able to tell him/her your things and to be sure that he/she won't tell anything, the person that will be with you in the good and the bad things and he/she will never leave you alone when you have a problem.

He/she is the person that will give you advice and he/she will never let you to fall in the bad things. I think that everybody thinks that everybody is their friends and that they will never fail him/her, but friends are really a few.

I have learned how to value the word friendship, to know how to choose the friends and know up to where the friendship can arrive. That you should not make what the person with whom you join is making if it is bad so that he/she accepts you because he/she will never be your friend he/she will only make you have problems and that you begin to change your attitude in front of everything.

But you should always know how to value a friend.

David Hernández Luján, 3rd A ESO
What is friendship for you?

For me friendship is for life but it has to be a good friendship with lots of trust and no lies.
Otherwise it is just acquaintances, but real friendship goes on for years and years.
As in say you left school and 30 years later in the school reunion your real friends will still say hello to you.
Friends that stab you in the back are not real friends and the ones that say horrible things behind your back aren’t either.
All the friends that I have had now I have still only got one.
And I have been friends with her for 4 years.
Friends once in a while are bound to have little fights like disagreements but they will pass in a day or two.
With your friend they are always bound to make you laugh and they will make you happy when you are down.
Life without friends would just be lonely and no one should be alone in the world so making new friends is good.

By Chloe Marie Jessop, 2nd B ESO

It all began when I was 10 years old. First, I used to play alone, but one day I was playing with my games in the street in the evening and I saw a girl that was in the corner.
I went to speak with her and shortly after that we were playing together.
In a few months we decided to go to the mountains to spend a day. It was a good experience. I have never been so happy with a person, because I have never had a friend as my friend Maya.

Amina El-Yazid, 1st Bachillerato


¿Que es la amistad?

La amistad para mi es una de las cosas más importantes de la vida junto a la familia y a otras cosas.
Con los amigos se pueden hacer muchas cosas.
Hay amigos mejores y amigos peores. Un amigo hace por ti lo que sea bueno siempre que sea un buen amigo.
Te puede ayudar si tienes algún problema.
Con él compartes las mejores experiencias de la vida y con él sales de fiesta o te quedas en la puerta.
Con tus amigos compartes tus sentimientos, con tus amigos haces de todo y lo más importante es que darían lo que fuera por ti.
Un amigo es algo especial algo en lo que confiar algo en lo que te puedes apoyar.
Si tienes amigos la vida es más fácil.
Entre los amigos y la familia te creas un mundo y con ellos haces de todo.
En general el amigo es el que te ayuda en los momentos más tristes y en los más alegres. Te ayuda si tienes que tomar una decisión o si tienes que elegir entre algo. El amigo es como si fuera de tu familia.

Por Pedro Garre.
Redacción sobre la amistad

Para mi la amistad es tener la confianza en una persona para poder contarle tus cosas y estar seguro de que no va a contar nada, la persona que va a estar contigo en lo bueno y lo malo y nunca te va a dejar sola cuando tengas un problema.

Es la persona que te va a dar consejos por tu bien y nunca te va a dejar que caigas en lo malo. Yo creo que todo el mundo piensa que todos son amigos suyos y que nunca le van a fallar, pero amigos de verdad se tienen pocos.

Yo he aprendido a valorar la palabra amistad, saber elegir los amigos y saber hasta donde puede llegar la amistad. Que no debes hacer lo que esté haciendo la persona con la que te juntes si está mal para que ella te acepte porque esa nunca será tu amiga sólo va a hacer que vayas teniendo problemas y que empieces a cambiar tu actitud frente a todo.

Pero siempre debes saber valorar a un amigo.

Gloria López Martínez, 1º B ESO



La solidaridad es uno de los dones más importantes del ser humano. Para mí, la solidaridad consiste en ayudar a las personas necesitadas sin recibir nada a cambio.
Existen actualmente, muchas personas solidarias, y gracias a ellas existen organizaciones solidarias, cuya principal ocupación es ayudar a las personas sin recursos económicos, proporcionándoles alimento, ropa, un techo donde dormir, ....
Pero también, hay muchas personas ambiciosas que solo se preocupan de ellos mismos y de nadie más. Algunas de las organizaciones solidarias más importantes son: Caritas y Manos Unidas. Estas organizaciones poseen algunos símbolos u objetos que representan la solidaridad. Un claro ejemplo de estos símbolos es la antorcha de la solidaridad, que recorre los pueblos y ciudades concienciándonos a todos de la carencia de alimento, ropa... en las personas más necesitadas.

Realizada por: José García Hernández de 1º ESO- A

El día 24 de Noviembre de 2009, los alumnos de 1º de ESO fuimos a recoger la Antorcha Solidaria a la Ermita de la Virgen del Pasico. Una vez allí, recogimos una antorcha, símbolo de la solidaridad, y unas personas nos explicaron como teníamos que coger la antorcha y que teníamos que hacer al llegar al colegio con ella. En la Ermita, al coger la antorcha, fuimos hacia el colegio andando, y al llegar, nos dieron una charla sobre la solidaridad. Debemos ser solidarios con las personas que tienen menos que nosotros. Las personas que nos dieron la charla, eran de una ONG, voluntarios de Caritas. Ellos trabajan ayudando a los demás sin recibir nada a cambio. Nos pusieron una película sobre las personas que no tenían lo mismo que nosotros: vivían en chabolas, pasaban hambre, vivían en las calles.... Hay muchas organizaciones en las que ayudan a las personas que lo necesitan: Caritas, Manos Unidas...
Allí, acogen a las personas, les dan de comer, etc. En la antorcha aparecía un símbolo que eran 4 corazones que miraban para los cuatro lados (norte, sur, este, y oeste) Esto significaba que ayudaban a todos las personas de todos los lugares del mundo.

Realizado por: María Fuentes Zamora. 1º A de ESO.

La solidaridad es una obra de caridad que realizan las personas para ayudar a otras, sobre todo, a los niños pobres que tienen hambre y necesitan muchas cosas de las que tenemos nosotros. Por eso, se forman grandes empresas como ONG (Caritas, Manos Unidas), que organizan actos para recaudar alimentos, ropa y dinero de todas las maneras posibles, como por ejemplo pedir ayuda en los colegios para que los alumnos traigamos comida, ropa, juguetes,…y como dicen para que “pongamos un granito de arena”.
A nuestro centro, llegó una Antorcha solidaria que iba de un pueblo a otro para expresar que debemos ser más solidarios, ya que hay un gran porcentaje de personas viviendo en la calle. Todas esas personas están esperando que alguien como nosotros nos compadezcamos de ellos y les echemos una mano para conseguir que algún día tengan unas condiciones dignas de vida.

Realizado por: Jonathan Solórzano Roca. 1º B de ESO.