domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010



Mathilde was a very beautiful girl, she married with Monsieur Loisel, and he loves her very much. This girl wasn't happy, because she wants a life more ostentatious (luxurious), that wasn't possible with the salary of her husband. Her husband gave his wife the invitation to a party, but she was angry and she didn't want to go because her clothes were old-fashioned. Her husband gave her money for that she bought a new dress and he told to her that she should ask for a jewel to her friend to borrow. Her friend lent her a nice necklace. Mathilde lost the necklace and she was very worried because if she didn’t return the necklace to her friend she didn’t trust her never again.

Inmaculada Ros, 4th B ESO


Something strange is happening in Ellerton School. In one year, four students were killed in strange circumstances: first was John, then Arizona, then it was time for Summer and, finally, it fell to Phoenix, Darina's boyfriend.
Darina, unable to endure the death of so many people fled to a hill outside. On this hill a cabin was found, which was found inside all their dead friends, including Phoenix.
After that episode, terrible nightmares and faces of their dead friends filled the mind of Darina...

Anna Carmona, 4th B ESO


Billy Harrison is a happy boy about fifteen years old; that all changed when his parents told him they were going to move and he would go to a boarding school.
He had three roommates: Alan, Mark and James.
All started when his roommates told him the story of the Duke Sebastian of Coxley, he died on 1 February, he appeared his beloved dead day of his death anniversary every year.
That story interested Billy very much, and he decided to go to the library to research and he decided to go to the lake on the 1º day of February.
His friends decided to help him for the mission, and they used Billy’s spy equipment.
That mission makes kids have a lot of troubles but they will discover a lot of unsolved mysteries.
But finally, it’s true the legend of the ghost of the green lady?*

Marta Montesinos, 4th B ESO


¿Qué serán las bibliotecas el día de mañana?

Las bibliotecas hoy en día sirven para estudiar y para leer. En una biblioteca se encuentra toda clase de libros, de acción, de miedo, comics, etc.
¿Pero alguien ha pensado lo que podría ser mañana? Mi opinión es que las bibliotecas siempre van a estar abiertas para todo, para poder estudiar sobre todo.
Las bibliotecas no solo están las publicas, también hay bibliotecas online, si nos metemos en internet también podemos encontrar libros para leer, mi opinión es que nada va a cambiar, por lo menos en los 15 próximos años.
Aunque en mi opinión también creo que se le van a añadir algunas cosas, como por ejemplo en las mesas abran ordenadores, para que la gente no se tenga que llevar el suyo para estudiar.
Tampoco se puede hablar, solo para consultar alguna duda en voz alta, por que si no molestamos a los demás, eso creo que tampoco cambiará.
Cristina Canovas.

El futuro de las bibliotecas

La biblioteca digital puede entenderse de diferentes formas y abordarse desde diferentes campos temáticos. Esta comunicación resalta el carácter multidisciplinar de las investigaciones que se están llevando a cabo e identifica las principales líneas de trabajo.
Se analizan, además, las repercusiones de este nuevo modelo de biblioteca en el comportamiento y los hábitos del usuario final en la búsqueda y el acceso a la información que precisa. Se examinan, también, los principales cambios que las unidades de información y los distintos sectores de la sociedad deben afrontar para inventar su futuro.
Los libros tradicionales serán sustituidos por los libros electrónicos:
El libro electrónico posee ventajas y desventajas. Es necesario distinguir entre el lector y el libro electrónico. Un lector puede almacenar hasta cientos de libros electrónicos con tarjetas de memoria.
La accesibilidad es el punto fuerte del libro electrónico. Ya que con él se puede leer casi cualquier documento en cualquier lugar, con luz, ya que no tiene retro-iluminación, como es el caso de otros dispositivos de mano; o una computadora. Esto es como leer un libro en papel; sin cansancio alguno para la vista. Otra de las ventajas es que algunos de estos dispositivos tienen lo que se llama “tinta electrónica”. Con tal tecnología el aparato puede ser tan fino que puede llegar a enrollarse como un pergamino, y la sensibilidad del ojo humano es mejor, por lo que puede llegar a estar más horas leyendo sin que la vista se perjudique.
Fran Gómez

Las bibliotecas en un futuro.
Actualmente las bibliotecas se utilizan básicamemente para el estudio y consulta de materiales didácticos, como por ejemplo consultar libros, revistas, prensa, buscar información de todo tipo…etc.
En un futuro no muy lejano las nuevas tecnologías invadirán las bibliotecas de todos los colegios y podremos disfrutar mejor del estudio además de facilitarnos esas consultas que suelen llevar mucho tiempo y que con el soporte informático será mucho más sencillo. Yo creo que se incorporaran libros y pizarras digitales, numerosos equipos informáticos para su uso público en las bibliotecas municipales.
Queda como incógnita saber que pasara con la gran cantidad de libros utilizados hasta el momento.
Bryan Solano.
Las bibliotecas del futuro
Hasta ahora las bibliotecas han sido espacios de estudio. En ellas había libros de lectura etc.… también ordenadores con conexión a Internet. Las bibliotecas del futuro se plantean con bastante tecnologia. Apenas habrá libros, los libros serán casi todos digitales. En ellos se podrán leer los libros, periódicos, etc.
En los libros digitales podrás ver películas, la televisión y cosas de actualidad por internet.
Yo considero que esto esta bastante bien para ir mejorando nuestra capacidad mental a la hora de estudiar.

Jonatan Mercader

martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010


I have been lucky to have been chosen in the project COMENIUS to travel to Italy as a student, to speak better English, and to have one more experience in my life. Thanks to this trip I have been able to compare the people of my country, with the people of Italy to cultural standard, of way of life, the supply, the ways of acting …; I have learned to coexist with people different from me, with different ways of thinking and of seeing the life, for what this trip has also made me see that the things can be different. I have enjoyed very much, I have laughed very much with other students. Initially I missed my family, my environment, my house … because the change was very big but then you get used to it, because the family that receives you tries that your stay there is excellent and that you do not have lack of anything. The family and the student that received me in their house did not know English very well, but I could practice English with other students of the project (Turks, Germans …). Initially I was very shy and ashamed to approach other students to speak English, in case I was wrong speaking and they laughed at me, but later we did it. Though I have not practiced English with the Italians, I could learn to speak and understand Italian better.
Inmaculada Ros Madrid

My experience in the Comenius project has been incredible, and I miss a lot of my friends I met in Italy. I have learnt a lot about Italian culture and I have seen many things I like such an Pompeii, Naples, Caserta and much more.
I had to speak a lot of English and Italian and I bought many things and I had eaten many things I liked.
Well I had a great time with my classmates and teachers and I have made many friends from the other countries Portugal, Turkey, France, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany and it has been an unforgettable experience in my life.
Francisco Madrid Martínez, 4th B ESO

It all began the morning of 8-11-2010. I had a strange feeling, I was traveling alone without my parents for the first time. It was all nervous emotions. How would my family be in Naples? But I was very excited and looking forward to it.
On the arrival there were turbulences as a result of a storm that awaited us in Naples.
When we arrived at the hotel our Napolitan families were waiting for us and when we arrived at the houses the reception was great. My family was the perfect family for me.
Next morning was the big day to meet all participants of this project. On the bus to Pompei we had a good time meeting and talking to the others.
This project is designed to practice your English but it also enriches you as a person from all the experience lived there.
I cannot thank more the family that hosted me for treating me as their daughter.

Marina Garre García, 4th A ESO

On 8th November I went to Italy to an exchange with the COMENIUS Project. The flight was very horrible because we had many turbulences and the weather was very bad because there was a storm. When I arrived at my Italian house I was very embarrassed and I didn’t speak any English because they didn’t understand me. The first day was very terrible. The next days were better because we went to Pompei, to Gesualdo, to Mirabella and to Roma. We visited many beautiful places and many important monuments like la Fontana di Trevi, the Vatican and other places. The experience with the Italian children was very great. I meet many friends, Turkish, French, German… My family was very good because they accepted me. The last day was very emotive because no one wanted to go and we were all planning to meet again soon. For me this experience has been unforgettable. Thanks to it I have seen the world, I have met other cultures and a lot of friends.

Beatriz Calín, 4th B ESO

My experience in this Project has been incredible. I’ve been in my Italian friend, Alesiio’s house. He has a very funny mother and brother and we all laughed a lot. During this time at Mirabella, Naples I went to visit Pompeii, Rome, Salerno, the city of Naples and numerous monuments.
I have made a variety of friends from many countries such as Portugal, Italy, Turkey, France, Germany, Poland and I have communicated very well with them in Italian and English
I really liked it and I would like to repeat the experience, but staying much more time.
I like Comenius!!!
Miguel Torrico, 4th B ESO

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


It was a dark night and it was raining heavily. The wind was blowing loudly. My friends and I were in a camp in Granada, in a beautiful valley that by night turns into a gloomy and terrifying place. We couldn’t sleep and it was very cold, our group leaders had decided to get into the forest for firewood to set fire to a bonfire and to try to relax a little until we were very tired and we were sleepy. We managed to rise to the high of the trees to be protected from what it could happen. Meanwhile, we were speaking about diverse topics, but we were bored very much, therefore we decided to tell terror stories. My friend Fran started telling a really terrifying story, the environment of the night helped him to increase the fear in all of us, while he was telling the most terrifying part of the story we heard a noise close to our tents, we were very frightened, some of them got into the tents and others climbed to the high of the trees to protect ourselves from what could happen. Suddenly the group leaders appeared, they were the cause of that noise, and they told us that zone was monitored every day and that we didn’t have to worry about anything. Later we lit the bonfire and we played to very entertaining games, ultimately the night was unforgettable for everybody.

Inma Ros Madrid, 4th B ESO

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


For my the Comenius project that organizes the EU (European Union) along with all member countries, and in which participate students of 2nd cycle of secondary Education, is a great occasion to practice the English language that is its great assignment, but it is also a form that gives us the occasion of knowing other countries’ life, gastronomy, traditions… And we also have the chance to introduce our country, SPAIN. There, we must live with other families to whom we must thank for opening us the doors of their houses and we must also give thanks to the school that receive us in their classrooms for some days. For all this I am delighted for being one of the selected ones for this trip to ITALY ¨THANKS¨

Marina Garre García, 4th A ESO

At present the society of all the countries is very diverse culturally, that is to say that, in the same country there are people of different origins, with different ways of seeing the world, with different religions, different ways of thinking, of speaking, with different customs … This cultural diversity is fantastic for people because this way we know other forms of living the life and it helps us to open our mind to other perspectives, to improve as a person. The students' exchanges are a way of stimulating a more multicultural society because we, the students, see these cultural differences that we differ to people of different areas. Another advantage of the cultural exchanges is that it helps us to speak English better because if we want to communicate we have to use this language because it is the common language of the world. The students' exchanges make us more independent, that we are able of taking decisions assuming the responsibility; therefore this helps us to mature, to be more responsible, independent, self-confident… Besides all the advantages that have the exchanges it is an only and unforgettable experience for the student because I will meet new people, and I will change the daily routine to travel to a country to live for one week in the house of someone unknown to me, and I have to speak to this unknown person in English to be able to communicate with him or her, therefore it is something unusual in anyone’s life.
From this trip to Italy I expect it to be unforgettable; I hope to make many friends. I expect to learn diverse customs and ways of seeing the life different from mine that help me to mature and to enrich my knowledge about people. I expect to enjoy the trip very much, to laugh, to see spectacular things (as the most emblematic monuments of Italy …). I would also like this trip not to finish here but I would like to continue in touch with all the students that I will meet in the trip.
I am very satisfied to have been chosen to form a part of this project and sincerely I am going to try to enjoy it to the maximum so that the memories of my experience as an exchange student are unforgettable in all of my life.

Inma Ros Madrid, 4th B ESO

A new way to exchange customs, hobbies, ways is THE cultural exchanges. These are essential for human beings as they share new experiences such as how to dress and eat. We must learn or know a few languages in our life and these trips that are made to learn how to develop the language, not only written but also oral understanding with others. In this trip we will learn to live with people of other traditions with whom we share their way of living day to day and spend most of the time and for sure we will make a variety of friends. We will go to different places and visit a school. In it we will learn to live with others, i.e. within the same space we will exchange different cultures, such as Spanish, English, Italian...
In summary, we will not only establish a relationship with others, but we will also start a comprehensive tour, which is more than images, stories, signs, information, customs...


In our school there is multiculturalism. In classes students from all countries come together and we exchange many things, they give us many things from their countries to learn. Now I’ve been selected for a project called Comenius; it’s about multiculturalism.

We are going to Italy, Naples, and we are staying at someone’s home with their family and what they do everyday. We will take their habits and we will eat with them too. Their families will teach us new manners, for example: going to the bathroom, sleeping and typical things from their country.

I think that we will learn a lot and the most important thing is that we’ll practice our English.

In my village there are Moroccans, Indians, Ecuadorians, etc. And there is a huge exchange of cultures. There are some that take it bad and say that there are many foreigners, but I like multiculturalism because we learn more about other cultures and other countries.

Francisco Madrid Martínez, 4th B ESO

Comenius is a cultural project in which the 14 -17 year-old pupils do exchanges with other countries of the European Union. This project is done every two years and it is about a topic, this year is about the use of the T.I.C. to promote reading and writing. With this project teachers want to promote the use of the international language, English, because of it to any country where students go away for an exchange they have to communicate by means of this one.
From this exchange, I expect an unforgettable experience, which makes me see world and be able to learn from this experience, to be able to meet people from other countries, coexist with them, with their customs, their families … well, to learn from them and that they could learn from me and of my culture.
Also I want to take advantage of this opportunity that they give me, to be able to practice my English since it is a very important language because with it, you can go everywhere, so much cultural as to work. And I would even like to be able to learn a bit of their mother language since I’m interested in learning other languages.

Beatriz Calín García, 4th B ESO


The main reasons there are so many endangered species in the wild now are due to:
Habit Destruction-When changes occur in a fast time individual animals don’t have time to adjust to those changes. Human activity usually causes habit destruction (pollution, hunting…) Soils in forests are lacking nutrition’s that grow plants and therefore many animals die from hunger.
Introduction of exotic species-These species are introduced into new environments because of human activity, either intentionally or accidentally. Introducing exotic species put native species in jeopardy by preying on them.
Overexploitation- There is a strong market for such things like: rhino horns, zebra skin, tiger bones …etc .Some of these things make traditional medicines and are on constant demand.
Diseases and Pollution- If plants don’t grow and animals go hungry their immune systems break down as well, letting certain diseases take disastrous affects on animals.


The most common zebras (found in Africa) are the Burchell’s zebra. They are closely related to horses and donkeys however have white and black stripes and are unique to each individual. The black and white stripes on the body camouflages them and their legs are great for running away from or injuring anything that might threaten them. There diet consists of grass, herbs, twigs, leaves and bark. Zebras are an endangered species because hunters hunt them for their skin and lions kill them to eat. They are also endangered animals due to climate change and contamination.


There are many reasons why wolves are endangered animals. Many people were afraid of wolves and annoyed that they ate people’s cattle and sheep, therefore, received money for hunting them. This was called “Bounty Hunting”. Some people still receive money for bounty hunting these days. They also used to poison wolves, which is one of the main reasons there are so few left. There are great debates over wolves. While some people think that they should be hunted to the point of extinction, others thing it should be forbidden. Though many people don’t realise, wolves help little animal by keeping their predator in check and by letting eat the wolves leftovers.

Alexandra Morrison, 4th B ESO

An Endangered Animal: The blue whale

The blue whale is one of the most endangered animals in the world. These animals are the biggest of the animals, because it is 30 meters long. Today there are only between 5 thousand and 12 thousand specimens of this animal.
Why is the blue whale endangered? The blue whale lives in the ocean. Years before, the hunting of whales was excessive, because people make use of all parts of the whale. The blubber is used for making oil, the bones and the meat are used for eating. Also the blue whales suffer impacts with the ships in the high seas and they can stay caught in the networks of fishing. In addition, the increase of the noise produced by the human in the ocean (for example the sound) impedes the communication of the whales. The blue whales are migratory and they spend the summer in high latitudes, where they feed in waters in abundance of krill. In winter they move to hotter latitudes, where they form a pair and give birth. Their migration is based on the temperature of the ocean, a change would alter everything. The change of the temperature of the ocean would also concern their supply of food, since it would provoke a change in situation and abundance of the krill.
How can people help the Blue Whale survive? In 1967 the hunting of the Blue whale was prohibited for an international agreement. It is necessary to reduce the poaching with more vigilance in the sea. It is necessary to try to do that to sound damages less to the whales, controlling where they move to, that people don’t catch them with the networks of fishing, and to try that the global warming doesn’t increase more.
To sum up, together with the associations of protection of animals in danger of extinction, with more vigilance in the sea and avoiding increase the global warming, the number of whales will increase.

Inma Ros Madrid, 4th B ESO


Computer action games have more disadvantages than advantages. The only advantage of action games is that they are entertaining. Currently, they are trendy.
Part of the crowd that plays computer action games is children and they do everything that they can see.
Computer action games are a bad example for children. In addition another disadvantage is that theses computer action games are very addictive and many children much time playing these games and the children break the habit of playing educational games.
I believe that children now do not have the same education as previously because now children play computer action games and before they played educational games.

Tatiana Robles Manrique, 2nd Bachillerato

Play station and video games are trendy. It is a new fashion to meet friends at home to play video games. However it is not good at all.

On the one hand, playing video games or computer action games makes yourself be entertained and if you play with a friend or with your family you will have more emotion than if you play alone.

On the other hand, playing video games in the computer or in the play station could be a very bad influence on people. When you are playing video games you are inside, you do not have social relationships and it could produce a very bad influence in your mind. For example, a few years ago I saw on the news that a boy, about 17 years old had killed his family with a sword because of the video games. That boy spent his time playing action video games which showed a man killing people. Then, the boy went crazy and killed his family.

In short, sometimes a pastime could be a very bad influence on people and it could cause a disaster, but, normally it is a pastime that you can use with friends.

Miriam Martínez Castejón, 2nd Bachillerato

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010


On 25th May we took a plane to Paris to take part in the Comenius Project our school is involved. I had a good trip because I met people from other countries. I stayed in a house with a French girl and her family. I have learnt a lot of English and French.
I tried different types of food from other countries and I didn’t like cuscus.
I think it has been a good experience and I would do that again.

Marta Montesinos, 3rd B ESO

Last Tuesday 6 students and 2 teachers took a plane to Paris to participate in the Comenius project. The students stayed in the house of French students. I stayed in a boy’s house and a Polish girl was there, too. His family was very nice and friendly.
We have learnt a lot of English and French. We went to eat food from other countries.
I think it is a good experience that I would repeat again.

Eli García, 3rd B ESO

The trip has been very funny. The family was very friendly, but food was horrible. My friend likes table tennis and bowling. They went to bed very early.
We visited the Eiffel Tower which is very big and impressive. We also visited Notre Dame, the Arch of Triunfe, the Place of Concorde and the Obelisk and I also saw the Statue of Liberty.
The boys and girls that participated in Comenius are very shy.
We ate in an Arabian restaurant, in a Russian restaurant and in a Chinese restaurant.
I have liked it a lot and I would repeat the experience again.

Manuel Izquierdo, 3rd A ESO

The trip to Paris has been very funny. We have been with a French family. My family was very gentle, but I didn’t know they had a dog. And they went to bed very early.
I had a wonderful time with my family and the people from other countries. We ate in many different places, in an Arabian restaurant, in a Russian one, in a creperie.
Every day we took the bus and the underground to go from the school to the city centre.
I would repeat this experience again.

Kevin Vizcarra, 3rd A ESO

The trip has been very beautiful. I didn’t know much English or French, but at the end I learnt.
The family was very good and very friendly, but the food was horrible.
The Eiffel Tower is very big and beautiful although I was a bit afraid when I was in the lift up to the top.
I have liked the experience a lot and I would repeat this trip again.

Noelia Lorca, 3rd C ESO

We went to Paris. I lived with a family. The mother’s name is Silvy, she was very kind. Mark is the father. He and his son Mark are very shy. The girl’s name is Virgine, she was very friendly. I slept in Virgine’s bedroom.
I spoke English and French and I met many people from different countries (Italy, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey).
We visited the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, the cathedral of Notre Dame and some other places.
We ate in different restaurants Arabian, Russian, Italian, French.
I liked this travel, it was very funny.

Cristina Ruiz, 3rd A ESO

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010


The police came to our school to give us a speech on the dangers in society for teenagers.

First, they commented about the school environment, it is very important to have a good school environment for a good development of people personality. Other item is aggressiveness. It is a thing that we have from our birth but in some people it develops too much and the result is violence; it also develops race violence, a dramatic item that is always present on television, newspapers, and the news.

Drugs also influence on people. There is no difference between soft drugs and tough drugs because both cause addition and irreversible damages for humans’ health. People call soft drugs to tobacco and alcohol, and tough drugs to cannabis, cocaine, heroine, etc; but the police said that if you start taking cannabis you finish taking heroine and more dangerous drugs.

They also talked about street bands that influence people to have a bad behaviour.

And finally, internet, it is a great place where you can find all type of information and useful news, but here are people interested in using internet to cause damage, for example old people who chat with children. We should not give personal information on chats or public websites, it can be dangerous for us and our family.

We have to communicate and report all strange situations we see or we live.

Miriam Martínez Castejón, 1st Bachillerato

Last Friday my friends and I attended a speech on the social dangers. The speech was exposed by a policeman who I spoke to us on the aggressiveness as the main reason of all the consequent problems since he believes there is an emptiness in the own person and in his environment. This impedes the social relations for what the person becomes more aggressive. I liked this information because I did not know it before.

Later he spoke to us about bullying which many children suffer in the high schools or in their social life and they are isolated by other partners in the class. He also spoke to us about the street bands that frighten others and they can end committing drug dealing or other crimes.

Finally the policeman spoke on the dangers that the internet use carries on youngsters since these can be defrauded or threatened by many types of people who only care about their personal well-being.

The speech was very interesting and entertaining for me and it was very easy to catch the messages that they wanted to transmit and in addition it allowed us to learn new social problems and to be able to avoid them.

Asensio Martínez Pérez, 2nd Bachillerato.

On 7th May, that is last Friday, two policemen from Torre Pacheco police station gave us a speech about issues of actuality such as drugs, the dangers of internet, street bands and other issues.

They showed us a PowerPoint. In this report they explained the different kinds of drugs for example alcohol, heroine, tobacco and many others.

They also talked about the dangers of internet when they showed the dangers of several windows, for example: sects, pornography. The policeman explained that a lot of people do windows which are a fake.

In the PowerPoint they also talked about bad groups or associations when it showed different groups and street bands.

Silvestre Ros León, 2nd Bachillerato



Young people spend a lot of time surfing on the internet. More and more children are using computers today. Computer use has got advantages and disadvantages. Some people are asking themselves: Should children be allowed to use computers?

On the one hand, many parents give their children a computer. Today, parents often work long hours, therefore they can’t control their children and they spend a lot of time at the computer.

It is good to have a computer because children can learn information, chat with friends, meet new friends, find information work sent at school, play learning games,; but it is bad to have a computer because children forget their homework and housework, get obsessed and don’t fall asleep.

In conclusion, I think that before having a computer you have to be responsible and know that there are more obligations and you can also get information from an encyclopaedia and a computer isn’t necessary.

Natalia Sánchez Martínez, 4º B ESO


For me internet is very cool because I can write to my friends and family. As a matter of fact, I can study for the exams and I can receive information from the school when I do not go to school.

But my parents are not very happy with internet because they tell me that internet is not good for children my age because you do not study, you can get very angry, etc. And it is also very dangerous because there are people older than you who speak with you in messenger or chat about your age, your physical appearance. For this I have not got a computer in my room, so that my parents can look at me when I go into the computer.

Maxi Pérez Bursian, 4th B ESO


Internet is a very efficient way to obtain information that is necessary to use adequately. Teenagers and children can be deceived by paedophiles, or others that want to deceive us to obtain information about us and our families thanks to our ignorance and vulnerability. We mustn’t speak with strangers, we mustn’t reveal confidential information through internet, and we mustn’t stay with people that we have known in chats.

Many viruses can enter into our computers when we open certain pages, many people can steal the account of e-mail. Besides there are internet zones that aren’t fit for certain ages and that can hurt the innocence of the person; these pornographic pages can appear at any moment in an unexpected form. In internet there are pages that foment smoking, violence, drugs, … and it is necessary to avoid this.

Inma Ros Sánchez, 3rd B ESO

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010


I went to Paris on 26th January with my friends and teachers. We arrived in Paris at 10.00 in the evening. When we were in the airport, a chewing gum stuck on my trousers, it was disgusting.

We slept in a hostel, it was very bad. We visited Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, The Defense, The Opera and some other monuments. One night we sailed in a boat in the river Seine. We had some difficulties because on the flight back there was some turbulence. On the trip we travelled by plane, by bus, by boat and by subway.

I liked Paris very much because it is beautiful and the Eiffel Tower is impressive!

Beatriz Calín, 3º B ESO


What would you like to do if you went abroad for learning English?

If I travelled to a country to learn a foreign language I would like to have fun while I learn the language.
Also, I would like to do many activities like meeting new people, visiting important sites of this city and knowing the culture and customs. For example, if I travelled to London I'd like to visit Big Ben, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and the British Museum, along with other landmarks of the city. Of course all this would come into the activities I have to do.

The truth is that if you visit a country to learn the language, the first days are a little sad because I would be away from my family and people who want me but I think I would adapt quickly because undoubtedly learning another language is something I would love.
Honestly, if I went to another country I would like to meet people from that country not only to learn the language but to feel better and have someone to trust. I would love to integrate well and help me to adapt because it would not be easy. I would go camping outdoors, practise sport activities such as football, volleyball, rugby, surfing etc, and other group activities to meet people. I would also make typical Spanish food such as tortilla and learn about their typical meals.

But what I would like is not only to learn the language but knowing people who I truly can trust and be friends that I can visit and they can visit me for a journey to learn a language I think it is wonderful because you get to discover things you would never believe. I think that learning a language is fabulous and it is a unique experience.

I would love to learn another language and about another country.


Mª Victoria del Rey, 2º Bachillerato

If I went abroad for learning English, I would like to live my own life. I think that going abroad is the best form to learn a new language because you can only relate with the population by speaking their language, for that, you must learn their language. There is not another possibility.

Learning languages is the best thing we can do and the most useful thing, of course.
For travelling, to know a language is an advantage because you can travel without any problems to communicate with other people.

Abroad, I would like to rent a house inside of a University or a centre where there would be people; I would not like to be alone in a house. I also would like to travel with a friend, a sibling or someone who I know, so she or he would also want to learn a new language. I would not like to be for abroad many years, it is a very long time, I would prefer to stay abroad for ten months or a year.

After I had done the first travel, if I wanted it, I would like to repeat, to travel to other countries and to learn very different languages.

Miriam Martínez Castejón, 1º Bachillerato

If I went abroad for learning English I would like to travel to London because I went two years ago and I like London very much. I would like to study three hours in the morning and next in the afternoon play football, basketball or another sport with my friends. I would like to study English for learning and talking better but not all the time, because this would be boring, we would study but we would play, too. And at night we would meet with other people in the camp. I would like to stay only one week, because more time can be boring and the monitors would organize excursions and the travel can be more entertaining.

Javier Pérez Marín, 1º Bachillerato

If I went abroad for learning English I would like to go to a camp with foreign students, they don’t have the same language than I and therefore the single way of communication would be talking English. In this camp I would like that there were log cabin where a group of girls or boys sleep and therefore we could talk and we could establish friendship. I would like that the monitors were English and each of them was responsible for a group of boys and girls. With them, we could do many activities: games, English classes, sports, parties, hiking… I would like that this camp was done in summer and that it lasted one month. Besides I would want that the camp was very well equipped with material, installations…
Another thing that I would like to do is to travel to the house of another girl of my age, with her previously I would speak and meet. I would like that this travel was to United Kingdom. This trip would also be done in summer.
I would do this travel in summer. I would do many activities with her (go to the swimming pool, meet her friends…); I would do everything with her. In this way I would improve my English very much.

Inmaculada Ros, 3º B ESO

If I went abroad for learning English, I would like to mix with foreigners for learning their language, their habits, their culture… I would like to know what type of food they like. Especially, I would like to learn the language so I can communicate with them. I have always been good at languages. And I like travelling, too but especially outside Spain. I like travelling outside Spain, knowing the world and other people that do not speak my language I have always dreamed about meeting an English person. He teaches me his language and I teach him my language. He teaches me about his country, his house, his family and his friends. I always ask my father that we speak in another language that is not Spanish to practice some language that I study (English, French and Italian). It is a bit difficult for me to speak, but I have a big vocabulary. If I went abroad, the first thing that I would do is to improve my speech.

Cristina Ruiz, 3º A ESO

I would like to go to a site attached to the city to know their culture and to show mine and find the differences between ours and theirs.
And when I go and learn their culture and I would like to have a guide in that country to explain me everything about the city where I stay.
Later I would like to meet people and I would give them my email to invite them to my house.
AHHH and I forgot about something else I would study the language to communicate.
Well, here is what I would do on a trip abroad to learn languages.

José Luis Sánchez, 1º A ESO

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010


On 12th January, 2010, something very bad happened in Haiti. An earthquake moved the earth and many people died. Why did it happen? I think as it was very hot, the ocean moved the earth and the earth destroyed many buildings. But few people survived. People from the other countries helped Haiti to build the city new.
Some children from Haiti have been taken to other countries to have a new family because some families have died.

Maxi Pérez Bursian, 4th B ESO.


The book is called “The Call of the Wild”, by Jack London. The main characters are Buck, the young dog, Francois and Perault.

The story is about the dog and his adventures. When the men buy the dogs they tie the harness to a sled, after that they hit them with the whip and the dogs begin to run; this is going to be their job.

There is an ugly dog called Spitz. Buck and Spitz are not friends; they have got a difficult relation. At the end Buck kills Spitz and Buck becomes the leader of the dogs.

Aitor Murcia, 4th A ESO.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010


Solidarity is a charity carried out by people to help others, especially poor children who are hungry and need a lot of things that we have. Therefore, large companies are formed as an ONG (Caritas, Manos Unidas), who organize events to raise food, clothes and money in every way possible, such as asking for help in schools for students to bring food, clothes, toys ... and as they say to "make our small contribution."

At our school, there was a torch that was taken from one town to another to express that we should be more supportive, as there is a large percentage of people living on the street. All these people are waiting for people like us to feel sorry for them and let them get a hand so that some day they can have decent living conditions.

Anna Carmona Blasco 3º B ESO
The Solidarity Torch

On 24th November, 2009, the students of 1º of ESO went to pick the Solidarity Torch to the church “Virgen del Pasico”. Once there, we collected one torch, symbol of solidarity, and some people explained us how we had to take the torch and what we had to do to the get to the school with it. In the small church, when we took the torch, we walked to the school, and when we got there, some people gave us a speech on solidarity. We must be supportive with the people who have less than us. The people, who gave us the speech, were of an ONG, volunteers of Caritas. They work helping the others without receiving anything in return. They showed us one film about the people who don’t have the same as us: they lived in slums; they were hungry, lived in the streets…. There are many organizations that help the people in need: Caritas, Manos Unidas…
There, they welcome the people; they give them food, etc. In the torch appeared a symbol that was four hearts that looked to the four sides (North, South, East and West). This means they help all the people in all places of the world.


Solidarity is one of the most important gifts of the human being. For me, solidarity consists of helping the poor people without receiving anything in return.
At present there exist many supportive people, and thanks to them there exist solidarity organizations, their principal occupation is helping people without economic recourses, providing them food, clothes, a place where to sleep…
But also, there are many ambitious people that only worry about themselves and about nobody else. Some solidarity organizations are: Caritas and United Hands. These organizations have got some symbols or objects that represent solidarity. A clear example of these symbols is the solidarity torch, which crosses towns and cities making us conscious of the lack of food, clothes… in the poorest people.

Inmaculada Ros Madrid, 3rd B ESO


Friendship for me is one of the most important things in your life, with family and other things. I can do lots of things with friends. There are better and worse friends. A friend does for you what is good, whenever he/she is a good friend.

He can help you if you have any problem, you share the best experiences in your life with him/her and you go to parties or stay outside.

You share your feelings with your friends, you do all with your friends, and the most important thing is that they would give anything to you.

A friend is someone special, someone to trust, and someone that you can support.

If you have friends, the life is easier.

Between friends and family you create a world and with them you do everything.
In general, a friend is someone who helps you in the saddest and the happiest moments. He/she helps you if you have to make a decision or if you have to choose something.

A friend is like your family.

David Santiago Pérez, 3rd B ESO
Writing about friendship

For my the friendship is to have the trust in a person to be able to tell him/her your things and to be sure that he/she won't tell anything, the person that will be with you in the good and the bad things and he/she will never leave you alone when you have a problem.

He/she is the person that will give you advice and he/she will never let you to fall in the bad things. I think that everybody thinks that everybody is their friends and that they will never fail him/her, but friends are really a few.

I have learned how to value the word friendship, to know how to choose the friends and know up to where the friendship can arrive. That you should not make what the person with whom you join is making if it is bad so that he/she accepts you because he/she will never be your friend he/she will only make you have problems and that you begin to change your attitude in front of everything.

But you should always know how to value a friend.

David Hernández Luján, 3rd A ESO
What is friendship for you?

For me friendship is for life but it has to be a good friendship with lots of trust and no lies.
Otherwise it is just acquaintances, but real friendship goes on for years and years.
As in say you left school and 30 years later in the school reunion your real friends will still say hello to you.
Friends that stab you in the back are not real friends and the ones that say horrible things behind your back aren’t either.
All the friends that I have had now I have still only got one.
And I have been friends with her for 4 years.
Friends once in a while are bound to have little fights like disagreements but they will pass in a day or two.
With your friend they are always bound to make you laugh and they will make you happy when you are down.
Life without friends would just be lonely and no one should be alone in the world so making new friends is good.

By Chloe Marie Jessop, 2nd B ESO

It all began when I was 10 years old. First, I used to play alone, but one day I was playing with my games in the street in the evening and I saw a girl that was in the corner.
I went to speak with her and shortly after that we were playing together.
In a few months we decided to go to the mountains to spend a day. It was a good experience. I have never been so happy with a person, because I have never had a friend as my friend Maya.

Amina El-Yazid, 1st Bachillerato


¿Que es la amistad?

La amistad para mi es una de las cosas más importantes de la vida junto a la familia y a otras cosas.
Con los amigos se pueden hacer muchas cosas.
Hay amigos mejores y amigos peores. Un amigo hace por ti lo que sea bueno siempre que sea un buen amigo.
Te puede ayudar si tienes algún problema.
Con él compartes las mejores experiencias de la vida y con él sales de fiesta o te quedas en la puerta.
Con tus amigos compartes tus sentimientos, con tus amigos haces de todo y lo más importante es que darían lo que fuera por ti.
Un amigo es algo especial algo en lo que confiar algo en lo que te puedes apoyar.
Si tienes amigos la vida es más fácil.
Entre los amigos y la familia te creas un mundo y con ellos haces de todo.
En general el amigo es el que te ayuda en los momentos más tristes y en los más alegres. Te ayuda si tienes que tomar una decisión o si tienes que elegir entre algo. El amigo es como si fuera de tu familia.

Por Pedro Garre.
Redacción sobre la amistad

Para mi la amistad es tener la confianza en una persona para poder contarle tus cosas y estar seguro de que no va a contar nada, la persona que va a estar contigo en lo bueno y lo malo y nunca te va a dejar sola cuando tengas un problema.

Es la persona que te va a dar consejos por tu bien y nunca te va a dejar que caigas en lo malo. Yo creo que todo el mundo piensa que todos son amigos suyos y que nunca le van a fallar, pero amigos de verdad se tienen pocos.

Yo he aprendido a valorar la palabra amistad, saber elegir los amigos y saber hasta donde puede llegar la amistad. Que no debes hacer lo que esté haciendo la persona con la que te juntes si está mal para que ella te acepte porque esa nunca será tu amiga sólo va a hacer que vayas teniendo problemas y que empieces a cambiar tu actitud frente a todo.

Pero siempre debes saber valorar a un amigo.

Gloria López Martínez, 1º B ESO



La solidaridad es uno de los dones más importantes del ser humano. Para mí, la solidaridad consiste en ayudar a las personas necesitadas sin recibir nada a cambio.
Existen actualmente, muchas personas solidarias, y gracias a ellas existen organizaciones solidarias, cuya principal ocupación es ayudar a las personas sin recursos económicos, proporcionándoles alimento, ropa, un techo donde dormir, ....
Pero también, hay muchas personas ambiciosas que solo se preocupan de ellos mismos y de nadie más. Algunas de las organizaciones solidarias más importantes son: Caritas y Manos Unidas. Estas organizaciones poseen algunos símbolos u objetos que representan la solidaridad. Un claro ejemplo de estos símbolos es la antorcha de la solidaridad, que recorre los pueblos y ciudades concienciándonos a todos de la carencia de alimento, ropa... en las personas más necesitadas.

Realizada por: José García Hernández de 1º ESO- A

El día 24 de Noviembre de 2009, los alumnos de 1º de ESO fuimos a recoger la Antorcha Solidaria a la Ermita de la Virgen del Pasico. Una vez allí, recogimos una antorcha, símbolo de la solidaridad, y unas personas nos explicaron como teníamos que coger la antorcha y que teníamos que hacer al llegar al colegio con ella. En la Ermita, al coger la antorcha, fuimos hacia el colegio andando, y al llegar, nos dieron una charla sobre la solidaridad. Debemos ser solidarios con las personas que tienen menos que nosotros. Las personas que nos dieron la charla, eran de una ONG, voluntarios de Caritas. Ellos trabajan ayudando a los demás sin recibir nada a cambio. Nos pusieron una película sobre las personas que no tenían lo mismo que nosotros: vivían en chabolas, pasaban hambre, vivían en las calles.... Hay muchas organizaciones en las que ayudan a las personas que lo necesitan: Caritas, Manos Unidas...
Allí, acogen a las personas, les dan de comer, etc. En la antorcha aparecía un símbolo que eran 4 corazones que miraban para los cuatro lados (norte, sur, este, y oeste) Esto significaba que ayudaban a todos las personas de todos los lugares del mundo.

Realizado por: María Fuentes Zamora. 1º A de ESO.

La solidaridad es una obra de caridad que realizan las personas para ayudar a otras, sobre todo, a los niños pobres que tienen hambre y necesitan muchas cosas de las que tenemos nosotros. Por eso, se forman grandes empresas como ONG (Caritas, Manos Unidas), que organizan actos para recaudar alimentos, ropa y dinero de todas las maneras posibles, como por ejemplo pedir ayuda en los colegios para que los alumnos traigamos comida, ropa, juguetes,…y como dicen para que “pongamos un granito de arena”.
A nuestro centro, llegó una Antorcha solidaria que iba de un pueblo a otro para expresar que debemos ser más solidarios, ya que hay un gran porcentaje de personas viviendo en la calle. Todas esas personas están esperando que alguien como nosotros nos compadezcamos de ellos y les echemos una mano para conseguir que algún día tengan unas condiciones dignas de vida.

Realizado por: Jonathan Solórzano Roca. 1º B de ESO.

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010




The travel started when we went to the bus station. The travel was long, a long time, but it was worth. When I arrived in Istambul, Serap and her family were waiting for me at the school. The family was the best comenius project family. Serap’s and Yunu’s families are the best.
Serap’s house is very big. She lives in a flat.
I love Istambul the Blue Mosque, the Basilica and the other places we visited in Istambul, they are all impressive. Istambul is a good city, it is a cultural city. The best place is the Big Bazaar where you can buy very cheap things.
When we left for Spain, the Turkish people cried because we were coming back home. It was a very sad farewell. And when we were in the plane we also cried thinking about the friends we had left in Istambul.

Óscar Sánchez Sevilla, 4th B ESO.

When we went to Istanbul (Turkey), we were in different houses and every student had a Turkish girl or boy. The first day, we went to high school and all the students had lunch in the high school, and we saw the logo of the different countries. The next day, we went to visit Saint Sofia, Cistern Basilica and the Blue Mosque. After that, we went to visit the Aquarium. When I was with the family, we went to different places. My family and I went to visit their family and we passed the Bósforo and we went to the Asian side of Istanbul. The last day, when we would go to Spain, the farewell was very sad, because we were very good friends. I miss Beril a lot of, but we speak every day on the messenger.
Istanbul is very pretty and if we need go to Istanbul, I will go again.

Sandra Olmos Rosique, 4th A ESO.

The trip to Turkey has been an unforgettable experience for me. At fist I was a bit nervous, but then I was very happy because people were very friendly, they welcomed us as a member of their family. You learn to relate to others, meet new people and in just five days you make friends.
Istambul is a beautiful city and on the excursions you have a good time, take pictures with everybody and share laughs.
You know new habits, new food and Turkish tea. And at the end we all loved each other and cried. The truth is that it is a very nice memory and I would do that again if I could.

Natalia Sánchez Martínez, 4th B ESO

When we got to Turkey, it was very strange to see all the differences. We got there and everything was perfect. I had a wonderful family and everybody I met was very good. They were from Poland, Germany, Portugal, Bulgaria, France, ... everything was great. We visited several museums, but what surprised me most was Ottoman with its dome. I tasted the authentic Turkish kebab, which incidentally is super spicy but delicious.
I would like to repeat the trip.
I miss Turkey.

Alberto Hernando, 4th A ESO